This is the ASML Runners Club privacy policy which is effective as of April 2025.

Privacy policy

Collection of personal information

We request some personal details from you in order to be able to register you for group events. Below are the details we ask for, and the reasons why these details are needed.

This data is stored in an online database and only accessible for members of the board of the ASML Runners Club.

Sharing of personal information with 3rd parties

The ASML Runners Club only shares the required information of the participants who subscribed for an event with the event organizer. The ASML Runners Club shall not share with or sell any information of members to third parties.


We collect pictures of sponsored events. These pictures are stored in an online album on the ASML Runners Club website and are there for you to enjoy and look back at a nice event. These online albums are only accessible by members of the ASML Runners Club and cannot be accessed if you do not have an account.

Pictures can only be used for ASML internal publications and not outside of ASML without explicit permission of the people on a picture.

Anyone who appears in a picture can request to remove that picture, with the exception of group pictures. By being in a group picture, you agree to have the picture published on the internal website (but not externally!).

ASML Marathon Eindhoven

The ASML Marathon Eindhoven is an exception for this policy because this is not organized by the ASML Runners Club but by Galozo, a commercial organizer of sportive events. ASML is currently sponsor of this event and sponsoring is open for all ASML employees, not only the members of the ASML Runners Club. For ASML Marathon Eindhoven similar privacy policies apply, but the ASML Runners Club is not responsible for that.

Storage of emails

Emails that are sent to the ASML Runners Club are stored in an ASML mailbox. This mailbox can be accessed by members of the board of the ASML Runners Club and is stored at and secured by ASML.


The website of the ASML Runners Club ( does not make use of tracking or privacy sensitive cookies, only for remembering login information. This makes that you do not have to login every time you open the site.

Data of former members

Your personal data shall be archived when you decide to cancel you membership. When archived you are still able to to login to the website and to sign up for some workshops for which no membership is required. You can remove most personal data yourself and upon request all data can be removed from the database, but then you will not be able to access the website anymore (for example to view photographs of events in which you have participated).


In case of questions about this document you can contact:

Notification of changes

This policy may change at any time; in case of changes this shall be published on the website and/or announced to the active members per email. The updated policy shall become active one month after publication. In case of questions or objections please contact the ASML Runnersclub to find a solution.