Hypotheker Beekloop

This event was in the past, we hope you had a blast.

The Hypotheker-Beekloop has been a “classic” for the Eindhoven region for years. Many runners find their way to the grounds of the GGzE location De Grote Beek twice a year. The Beekloop is one of the largest running events in the Eindhoven region.

The run can best be described as atmospheric, cozy and recreational. The atmosphere around the event is enhanced by a number of music bands and the music beetle. Our speaker reinforces this with his enthusiastic comments, anecdotes and interviews.

To emphasize the recreational character, results are never drawn up. There is a time clock but the times are not recorded. As always, you can choose from the distances of 4, 8, 12 or 16 km. The course of all distances runs on paved paths over the beautiful, wooded terrain of the Grote Beek and is completely traffic-free. Due to the fact that it gets dark very early in the autumn, we run the route the other way around, which means we leave the forest earlier. Moreover, we got a slightly worse piece out of it. The new route can be found on this link

All distances start at 7 p.m.

For more information about Hypotheker Beekloop, you can visit the Hypotheker Beekloop web site.