Groote Heide Trail

This event was in the past, we hope you had a blast.

We closed online registration. Contact the Runnersclub to check if there is still an option.

TRAILRUNNING is just like running, but off the paved roads. On trails, sandy, muddy, rocky, whatever. But always in nature, in a very versatile setting. Trailruns are typically smaller events than road races, with a different pacing mindset. More relaxed, more to enjoy the environment.

The ASML Runners Club offers registration for the Groote Heide Trail, on Saturday June 8, in Aalst (just south of Eindhoven). This area is quite flat. Often trailruns are in more hilly terrain, however this is a nice opportunity to get acquainted to trailrunning in a low-threshold way. Or to enjoy a trail nearby together with many colleagues. There are 4 distances: 30 km, 21 km, 12 km, and 7.5 km. If you are a member of the ASML Runners Club, we will pay for your registration when you participate. We offer the option to choose whichever distance suits you best.

We will start at 10:30 with the ASML runners as one group. The start window is wider, between 10:00 and 11:00, and other groups start as well between 9:00 and 12:00, but we figured that starting together adds to the social intent of the ASML Runners Club. And afterwards, there is a social gathering with our runners to share experiences and enjoy some drinks on the terrace of cafe The Hut van Mie Pils where start and finish are.

Please register a.s.a.p. for the trailrun, as some distances will be sold-out quickly.

May 14, we organize an introduction session at ASML with information, motivation, explanation, nice stories from some experienced ASML trailrunners. If this will be your first trailrun, you might wonder what you need, what to expect, and how to prepare. 16:30-17:30, 07.H.00.015 (B) - Twinscan Auditorium B.

For more information about Groote Heide Trail, you can visit the Groote Heide Trail web site.

Groote Heide Trail 2024
Groote Heide Trail 2024