Orienteering Race and Workshop

This event was in the past, we hope you had a blast.

The ASML Runners Club offers the opportunity to broaden your scope as a runner: let’s try Orienteering.

Orienteering is somewhat like trailrunning without a trail, with the challenge to choose your own route on the go, guided by a map and compass, visiting a number of electronic control posts. It is about speed, it’s a race, but it’s more than just going fast; it’s about being fast. You can take both paved, or non-paved roads, or go straight through the forest or over the fields, while using your ability to find the fastest route, and not to get lost. It’s about using your head while running, which adds a new dimension to it. Typically something for all those smart people here at ASML…

The ASML Runners Club has made an introduction program for you, together with KOVZ Orienteering (O-club Eindhoven area), consisting of an introduction session at ASML, a training in the field, and an actual race event. For the introduction and training, there are two options:

  • Details on the locations will follow when you subscribe. During the theory session, we’ll explain what orienteering is like, what you need to know, and how to prepare. After it, in combination with the training session, you’ll be ready to race.

    The training on June 18 will start at 18:00 at the eastern parking of the Philips de Jongh Wandelpark in Eindhoven.

    The ASML Runners Club will sponsor the race fee incl. chip rental. (Don’t be scared off by the term ‘race’, it’s no problem if this would be your first acquaintance with orienteering, you’ll learn it on the go. My first experience was during a race too.)

    But there are many more events throughout the year, in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium.

    And if you have any question, contact Jan-Gerard van der Toorn

    For more information about Orienteering Race and Workshop, you can visit the Orienteering Race and Workshop web site.